5 Red Flags to Look for on a First Date with A Dumb, Homophobic, Racist, Ugly Loser

So you were just asked out on a date with a dumb, homophobic, racist, ugly loser. You already found out before the date he didn't graduate high school, he hates gay people, he's racist, and you can tell he's ugly and doesn't work. But before you sit down to dine with him, make sure to prepare yourself for these possible red flags.

#1: He's dumb.

#2: He's homophobic.

#3: He's racist.

#4: He's ugly.

#5: He's a loser.

Anyway, hopefully the dumb, homophobic, racist, ugly loser doesn't end up showing any of these red flags. Keep your eyes and ears open for any signs that the dumb, homophobic, racist, ugly loser is a dumb, homophobic, racist, ugly loser!