Gluten-Free Holiday Sides That Are Just Protein Bars We Brought in Our Purse

Whether you’re spending this Holiday season with friends or family, one thing is for sure: They won’t remember that you adhere to a gluten-free diet, nor care! This means you’re going to have to improvise. Dig deep into that purse, girl! This is going to be a long day!

Squashed Luna Bar

Flattened by your son tripping over your purse, this bar still maintains some shape and flavor. This should hold you over till the end of watching “Kirk Cameron’s Saving Christmas”.

Half-Eaten KIND Bar (With Extra Crumbles)

Oh crap, you forgot you still had this in your purse from the other day. Now you get to remember this every time you reach into your purse and grab a handful of nut fragments. Maybe eat the rest of this over the sink.

Clif Bar That’s Probably Not Gluten-Free

After a night of desperately trying not to think about food, you’ll find this secret bar in your bag. Reading the label you’ll realize it’s not technically gluten-free, but it’s probably better than the fruitcake your mother-in-law brought. Eat up!