When To Tell Your Friend They’re So Brave (Hint: It’s Every Time)

Life can be so hard for women, and it’s important to remind them of the warriors they are on the front lines of life. Whether you’re going out to dinner by yourself, booking a solo vacation, or paying your own rent….YOU’RE. SO. BRAVE.

One time, my friend and I were having lunch after a really long mani/pedi session and she decided to confide in me that that was actually the first time she’d ever gotten a pedicure. It was something that was really hard for her to admit since it’s pretty embarrassing and pathetic, so I just let her know: YOU’RE. SO. BRAVE.

This really helped lift her confidence up, even though I told her not to tell anyone else (she’d be the laughingstock of our spin class). So now, I tell her and all of my friends whenever they tell me about something they did or accomplished, like my other friend telling me about her weird webbed toes, I just remember the golden mantra and say: YOU’RE. SO. BRAVE.